If you are a B2B or B2C company with an affiliate program that helps to reduce plastics in the environment, we would like to include you in our plastisphere business drectory here at Plastisphere.org. Priority on the network is given to trustless web3 programs. You can contact us with the forma t the bottom of this page.

Welcome to Plastisphere!

Plastisphere is dedicated to tackling the global plastic pollution crisis. Our oceans, landscapes, and wildlife are drowning in plastic waste.

What is the Plastisphere?

The Plastisphere refers to the total environment across the planet that is affected by plastic pollution. It includes:

  • Oceans – plastic has accumulated in 5 major ocean gyres causing detriment to marine life
  • Coastlines – millions of tons of plastic wash up on beaches every year
  • Inland waterways – microplastics make their way into rivers, lakes and streams
  • Terrestrial ecosystems – plastic litter impacts landscapes and wildlife
  • Air – plastic production emits greenhouse gases; microplastics circulate through the air

Our Mission

Plastisphere aims to:

  • Raise awareness about the state of plastic pollution worldwide
  • Provide tips for consumers to reduce plastic waste
  • Highlight innovators and organizations fighting plastic pollution
  • Review sustainable products and services that offer plastic-free alternatives

Together, we can overcome the plastic pollution crisis threatening the Plastisphere. Our site empowers individuals, nonprofits, businesses and policymakers with knowledge and solutions.

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